Monday, December 1, 2008

One final down, 8 more to go

The written final for history & physical is in the books. I got a B, which will almost absolutely cement a B for me in the class, barring any disaster in the practical portion of the final coming up. I currently have a B going into the final for clinical medicine and A's in my other classes. I am contemplating whether I should work my butt off to keep my A's or take a more philosophical approach and embrace a few more B's. I was listening to Car Talk on NPR this past weekend and the brothers were giving advice to a young lady who has been experiencing a great deal pressure to achieve A's in all of her classes (I still don't know the connection to cars however). They both told her that B's were perfect as they represented a good grasp of the subject while allowing her to take time from her studies to enjoy life. A's, they told her, were simply not worth the effort because obtaining one in any given class forces her to sacrifice too much in terms of experiencing and enjoying life. I prefer to keep my A's if at all possible, but as we near the end of a very intense and demanding semester, I also feel my ability and desire to focus wane. I am over it. As far as I am concerned, the semester is all but over. The question is, can I wring out two more weeks of intense, sometimes maddening studying to maintain my hard earned A's. Oh, did I mention my wife is leaving town the week of finals (optional overseas business travel) and invited her parents to come over (just 500 miles or so) and take care of my son while I take my finals? They can and will handle most issues smoothly, but should any problem or complication arise, I will have to drop everything to take care of it.

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