Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Family Medicine part 2

I like family medicine. I have a good practice with pretty darn good co-workers for the most part. I am liked and respected for the most part by my colleagues. I have patients who really like me and I've seen some who don't care for me one bit. I have my own standards and can stick to them. If I don't want to prescribe XYZ, then I don't have to. I am getting great experience and exposure to myriad conditions and pathologies. I actually get a paid lunch hour to eat and complete admin tasks. I only have to drive 15 minutes to work now instead of an hour. My pay is a little low, I have to work a night or weekend here or there and I have to take call without compensation. My stress is very low now. I have a great MA now. I have actually saved patient's lives. I like family medicine.