Thursday, December 11, 2008

Everything is done but the crying

Finals all but history. I studied what I could and tried not to sweat it too much. Thankfully I was neurotic at the beginning of the semester and built up a comfortable enough cushion that 50's on most finals would let me keep a B. I don't think I got less that a B on any of my finals and actually got a 98% on my biochem final. Interestingly, biochem was the class I was most worried about going into the semester but it really clicked, the instructor was good and the test schedule didn't conflict with any other classes or projects. I still have to wait a week for my grades to be finalized but I am happy to this first semester under my belt. I really think the key is to work your tail off during the semester when time management is, well, more manageable, so that when finals roll around and time is ultra-valuable and fleeting, some lapses in studying won't have as great an impact.

1 comment:

Pa4life said...

That's really great advice! Just got into pa school and love this blog. Keep them coming!