Monday, September 13, 2010


I am biding my time waiting for my PANCE results. I didn't feel horrible about the test when I was taking it but now that I have time to stew I am starting to worry a bit. Geez would it ever suck to fail the PANCE and have to wait another 90 days to re-take it!

Jobs for new grads are few and far between here and I am resorting to applying for any opening just to get my foot in the door. I am sure the fact that I haven't got my license yet isn't helping. I am a bit pissed that all these loan re-payment jobs here want you to be fluent in spanish. Fu**! I am missing out on employment opportunities and loan re-payment opportunities because there are so many spanish speakers here that they indirectly determine what kind of jobs I can get.

Anyway, I'll be a lot happier when I pass the PANCE and get licensed and start making some money. I know my wife will happier when I can pay for things again.


Morning-Rounds said...

I hear ya bud! I am sure you did fine on the PANCE. I did the same thing you did. I was only focused on the ones that I was sure I got wrong. I was so focused on those few that I couldn't even remember the numerous ones I knew I knew. I am going to be getting my first paycheck here in the next couple of weeks. Even though I haven't actually received that first paycheck, it is nice knowing that I am gaining money!

Hang in there. It looks like NCCPA is pumping out the results fairly quickly. You may hear by this Thurs. Keep us posted!

Anonymous said...

How long did it take to find out your pance results?