Monday, December 21, 2009

Holiday Break

On break now and looking forward to some relaxation time. Well, to the extent possible-you see, I have spent my life in the sun - California, New Mexico, Texas, Hawaii and Colorado is where I've spent most of my life. As a result I have extensive sun damage to the skin on my face. My dermatologist looked me over, and I mean ALL over, and suggested I apply 5% fluorouricil cream to zap the extensive actinic keratosis on my face. Two weeks from the start of therapy and I look hideous. Angry red sore cover 90% of my face. They, hurt, burn, itch and sting. Needless to say I garner many stares when I am out in public and the neighborhood kids ask me what's wrong with my face. I hope that my follow-up visit with the dermatologist tomorrow will be the last day I have use the cream. But if it isn't I'll keep going, keep using it, and show up to my mental health rotation ready to give my patients some bad dreams. It's not like I had an excess of good looks to draw from in the first place so I am looking forward to being back to a 5 or 6 rather than the 1 I am now.

1 comment:

Gregory House, PA-C said...

Solaraze? Yeah, that stuff stings. You should insist that they just cyro your face instead if you haven't already failed that.