Tuesday, October 6, 2009

More IM

Along with the numerous, somewhat annoying "pain" patients and type 2 diabetics I have seen, I have also come across some interesting cases. I saw a guy with hemochromatosis and polycythemia, Another guy in his 30s with Dandy-Walker syndrome, a 50-some yr old today with epiglotitis and a lady in her 50's who developed severe liver disease from poorly controlled DM. The doc I am working with complemented me by telling me and his staff that I am a big help seeing patients for him and that I have I come up with some good suggestions for dx/tx/rx. He has been in practice for 35 years and is very knowledgeable and he takes the time to teach me and his patients - which his patients love. I am calling patients with lab results, seeing patients almost entirely on my own on occasion and writing scripts for everything. I really am having fun when I stop to think about it. And I am proving to my self-admitted skeptic doc that PAs (students) know what they are doing and can take care of a lot.

I have eaten lunch in the doc's lounge once and was sorta surprised that all the docs talk about is golf. OK I wasn't surprised at all and actually find quite humorous.

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