Friday, April 2, 2010

Emergency Med

My rotation in the ED has been a lot of fun so far. I started seeing patients on my own immediately - and the preceptors allow me to do pretty much everything. I've gotten to stitch up a few people which was fun. The ED is interesting because many people use it like a walk in clinic. Most of what we see is not an emergency but I try to have fun with each case. A few are annoying, but I just let those people slide right back down to where they came from.

This ED is a level 4 trauma center which means it can't handle anything too serious. Occasionally stabbings or a car wreck comes in but nothing major so far.

I am working 4 12s a week which leaves me surprisingly little time to do what I need to once I catch up on sleep and complete my fatherly duties. When I get home from a shift I don't even get onthe computer, I just watch TV for 30 minutes and go to sleep. Ahhhh...sleep.

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