Tuesday, November 3, 2009

rural family practice

1) meeting lots of really nice people. really nice.
2) bought my SP a wireless router so I can do school work at the office rather than at mcdonalds.
3) bought a can of raid to kill the multitude of beetles that invade my living quarters.
4) doing a little more now on this rotation. SP a bit more social and friendly.
5) lots of the same here compared to the "city" - chronic pain and worker's comp mostly.
6) small town = lot's of old folks, not too many young folks.
7) miss my son like nobody's business.
8) rides back home with classmate are entertaining, enlightening and awakening.
9) not a damn thing to do or places to eat at 10 pm when I finish for the day
10) can't sleep for heck with the beetles and trains
11) bonus - ALL learning experiences are valuable.

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