Monday, February 9, 2009

There is always one a semester

Crappy instructors that is. In a core class, not that any are unimportant, but a major clinical discipline. This instructor talks 120 mile an hour. She crams, by her own admission, 5 hours of material into 2.5 hrs. She refuses to take questions during her "lecture." She glances over material or doesn't even cover material that she feels is important - important enough to test us on. She refuses to clarify her unclear and poorly worded test questions. The entire class is disappointed in how the class is shaking out so early in the term. I am usually the person who will talk to the instructor and let them know how things are going or aren't going - but I've been the sqeaky wheel for too long. Unfortunately no on else will suck it up and talk to to an instructor if things aren't going well. This is going to be the class we all complain about during lunch but that no one does anything to change.

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