Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Don't get me wrong

I am fortunate and 'happy' to be in PA school. Any PA school for that matter. I am making it and soon enough I'll be in clinical rotations. This schoool thing will be a distant memory before I know it. I wouldn't rather be anywhere else.

Still, isn't it human nature to see things that can be better and want them to change for the better? Am I being a jerk to complain about this kind of stuff (oh, and there is lots more!) given the fact I have been given an opportunity that many people would give there left gonad for? I guess the way I see it, as students we are held to very high standard - much different from regular undergrad students, we pay no small sum of money in tuition, fees, books, books, books, etc and we are stongly discouraged from working. We are told we must sacrifice and give to succeed. Why can't the people who demand so much from us step up to the plate and bring some sacrifice and professionalism to the game too? I understanding paying your dues and all that crap, but passing the pain down the chain, just because you can or because that's the way you came up will simply never cut it with me.

So, my regular readers out there: what do you think? Where do you stand? where are you in the this crazy process? Am I full of it?

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