Sunday, June 6, 2010

moving forward

Surgery went well. I learned a lot and got pimped more than I cared for. I got t hold a lot of retractors and close up a bunch. I even got to drive the instruments on a few lap choles.

I had an ortho surgeon approach me about a job, but when the interview came I was very disappointed. none of the 6 docs or 5 PAs had read my resume, no one had set aside much if any time to talk to me so I had to wait around the MAs desk waiting for someone to come out of a room so I could talk to them for 3 minutes. When I had lunch the practice owner, he spent the first 10 minutes explaining to me why I shouldn't expect to get paid too much as a new grad and how much of a burden and investment I would be in the first year. By then I had shut down so when it came time to talk to the practice manager I was over it. She asked me if I had any questions and all I could say was "no." She asked me if I wanted to hang around and see some patients with a doc and PA and I lied and told them I had another appointment soon. What a joke.

Now I am doing hospital medicine and I was working evenings and nights, which is why I hadn't written anything here for a while. I was either working or sleeping! By the way, 8p-8a sucks!!!! I was utterly useless most of the time after 2 am and slept from 10a to 4p, further increasing my useless quotient. Furthermore I know absolutely nothing compared to the docs i am working with. The patients are so much more complex and the differentials are seemingly infinite. Or at least pretty obscure in my mind. I am feeling stupid and tired right now. At least my shift is changing now so I should only feel stupid soon.

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