Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Family Practice

So now I have started a FP rotation in a rural mountain town. Today was stressfull but mostly draining. The PA I am with got into an argument with a patient with no patience. She complained he was taking too long and he told her not to give him any crap today. The argument ended with her refusing to quit smoking or follow his advice and with him frustrated and furious. He walked out of the exam room and left me to smooth things over with her which I was able to do for the most part after 20 minutes. We then had a lady in late her late 60's complain that after a year and a half of practicing anal sex with her boyfriend she wanted to know why her perieneum hurt soo much and if we could fix it. We tried. I was left to counsel a young man with pneumonia who decided to break down crying to me about his grandma and aunt's ilnesses and concerns. After I got those under control and returned with his rx for a chest x-ray and antibiotics he broke down again about the feelings he had for his high school sweetheart who resides in another state and who he hasn't seen in years. He feels they still have a relationship but isn't sure and as a result has put off having sex with a few of his cousins until he knows for sure what is going on with his "girlfriend." This guy in his 30's was sobbing and I was the only one there to talk to him about his nutty-ass problem. Add to this some drug-seekers and "I'm and hour late but you need to see me anyway" types and I left there drained and wanting to have a few stiff drinks. My real wish was that there was a chlorox handi-wipe I could stuff into my skull and wipe my brain clean. Some cheap red wine will have to suffice.

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